Winter Quarter 2009 Course Announcement

Perspectives in Assistive Technology

David L. Jaffe, MS and Professor Drew Nelson
Tuesdays & Thursdays   4:15pm - 5:30pm
Main Quad, History Corner, Lane Hall (Building 200), Room 034 (lower level)

How Do You Define Service?

People define service in many ways. Represented below are some examples of service activities which involve science to some degree. Place a "1" next to the activity that most closely models your own philosophy of service. Place a "2" next to the activity that is the second closest to your philosophy, etc. The example farthest from your own philosophy should be ranked "16".

___   Respond to local science & technology reporter’s request to be interviewed for tech article
___   Do research that is directly related to a critical health concern like AIDS or critical environmental problem like global warming
___   Using your skills to help a local non-profit, such as a civil engineering student/professor working with Habit for Humanity on weekends
___   Give a “Mr. Wizard” science show presentation at your local elementary school every year
___   Help a science & technology museum design an exhibit in your area of expertise
___   Write a science / engineering book for the lay public in your area of expertise
___   Create research internships for high school students in your laboratory
___   Tutor for Chem 31 or Math 51
___   Write a letter to a congressional leader about an issue related to science or technology
___   Take time off from your studies, research, scientific career, to be a technology advisor to a government official
___   Be a mentor in a weekly robotics club for kids
___   Serve as a science advisor to a curriculum developer who is writing elementary or high school science curriculum
___   Donate $50 to National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research
___   Partner with an elementary or high school teacher by visiting the classroom once a week
___   Use your course work to help a local community, i.e. use your class project on water quality to sample local water supplies and provide data to local city government
___   Read all of the weekly science section in the newspaper

Based on activity by Kent Koth and Scott Hamilton, Salem OR 1993, 2003

Updated 01/16/2009

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