Computer Systems Laboratory Colloquium

4:15PM, Wednesday, March 1, 1999
NEC Auditorium, Gates Computer Science Building B03

IA-64 Linux Kernel Internals

David Mosberger, Don Dugger
HP Labs, VA Linux Systems
About the talk:
The Trillian Project was formed in early 1999 to port the Linux operating system to the IA-64 architecture. The project currently includes Caldera, CERN, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Intel, Red Hat (Cygnus), SGI, SuSE, TurboLinux and VA Linux Systems, and represents the first major effort by the server and workstation industry to support an Open Source project of this depth and scale.

On February 2nd, the Trillian project released the IA-64 Linux source code to the open source community (available at ). Today, two of the lead engineers from the Trillian project will discuss the internals of IA-64 Linux and they will detail how Linux will take advantage of the new features of the IA-64 architecture.

Download slides in pdf format.

About the speaker: David is a member of the technical staff at HP Labs where he is working on Internet and Linux related projects. His research interests are in high-performance Internet systems, operating systems, and computer architecture. He holds a professional degree as an Electronics Engineer, an HTL Diploma (BSc degree) in Computer Science from HTL Brugg-Windisch, Switzerland and M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from University of Arizona. He is a member of ACM, IEEE Computer Society, and USENIX.

In his former life at the University of Arizona, David was one of the primary contributors to making Linux 64-bit clean and getting it to work on the Alpha platform. For the two years or so, he has been spearheading the effort at HP Labs to bring Linux to the forthcoming IA-64 platform.

Don has been working on Unix for over 20 years, working for Bell Labs where he helped port System V to the Micro VAX, working for Intel where he helped port Mach to the 386 and System V to the 860. For the last three years he has been involved in Unix ports to the Itanium processor, currently he is working for VA Linux Systems helping to port Linux to the Itanium processor. He holds a BS Computer Science from Michigan State University ('72) and a MS in Computer Science from Rutgers University ('76).

Contact information:

Don Dugger
David Mosberger