Computer Systems Laboratory Colloquium

4:15PM, Wednesday, January 26, 2000
NEC Auditorium, Gates Computer Science Building B03

Internet TV

David Schwartz and Len Kain
ImaginOn, Inc.
About the talk:
A single home system that fully merges television programming, home theater, games, telephony, productivity software and the Internet is on the horizon. Most of the bits and pieces needed on the hardware side are done. Better high bandwidth connectivity is being installed at a rapid rate, and the software needed to glue it all together is nearly here.

ImaginOn's Internet Television "Station in a Box", ImOm.comTV™, demonstrates Internet Television with capabilities beyond those of HDTV or set top television boxes today. Internet television must offer substatial benefits over ordinary Television to gain acceptance. There are economic, technical, and regulatory issues that must be resolved to bring the benefits of Internet Television to the general public. The talk today will discuss the challenges and how we are meeting them at ImaginOn.

About the speakers:

David M. Schwartz and Len Kain are the founders of ImaginOn, Inc. David Schwartz serves as the CEO and Chairman of the company. Prior to ImaginOn, David was Vice President of New Media Systems & Technology at Atari Corporation, where he headed the Jaguar CD development group. Before going to Atari, David directed the software team at Tandy Research that developed the first erasable CD recorder/player. In 1983, Schwartz started Compusonics Corporation, which went public in 1984. David received a Bachelor of Arts in Architecture from Carnegie Mellon University, has been granted twelve US Patents for his inventions and published numerous technical papers.

Len Kain serves as ImaginOn's Vice President of Engineering. Prior to ImaginOn, Len has spent 14 years in various engineering and management positions in the computer field at Compression Labs, Telebit, Compusonics and Lockheed. Len holds a Bachelors Degree in Engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology in New Jersey, a Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, and an MBA from the University of Phoenix.

Contact information:

David Schwartz - Len Kain
Imaginon 1313 Laurel Street, Suite 1
San Carlos, CA 94070