EE379C - Advanced Digital Communication

Course Information


            John M. Cioffi

Office: Packard 363
Phone: 723-2150
Office Hours: M 2:30 - 3:30pm, W 2:30 - 3:15pm, Packard 363.


Teaching Assistants:

Hao Zou

Office: Packard 077

Phone: 721-6715


Office Hours: M 5-6, Packard 339. W 5-6, Packard 364.


Moshe Malkin

            Office: Packard 339

            Phone: 724-3427


            Office Hours: M 5-6, Packard 339. W 5-6, Packard 364.



Ashutosh Garg



Administrative Assistant:

Pat Oshiro
Office: Packard 365
Phone: (650)723-2681
Fax: (650)724-3652

Lecture Time and Location:

            MW 1:15-2:30pm, Gates B1

Help Session:

            M 4:15 - 5:05 PM, SKilling 193

Class Web Page:



Class Email List:

The class e-mail list is automatically generated from the list of officially registered students in Axess. Students do not need to manually subscribe to it.


To contact the course staff, please use the newsgroup su.class.ee379c. For private questions on grades or other matters related to the course, please use the course staff list This will forward your email to Professor Cioffi and the TAs.

Class Newsgroup


The newsgroup will be the main forum for asking questions about the material/homework and instructor/TA will be checking it regularly.  Preference will be given to answering newsgroup questions before email.  Instructions on how to connect to Stanford newsgroups using Microsoft Outlook are here .



Distributed notes by Prof. Cioffi.



Homework: 30%
Midterm exam: 30%
Final exam: 40%

Midterm Exam Time and Location:

Time: May 5th (Monday), open book. Location: in class.


Final Exam Time and Location

Time: June 9th 11:59am - June 10th 11:30am. Take home exam. Duration: 23.5 hours.


Homework Policy:

Homework will be distributed on Wednesday, and collected the following Thursday. You may also put it in the homework "IN" box just outside Packard 365 (Joice and Pat's office) by 4 pm (Note: 4 pm, not 5 pm). For late submissions, there is 10% penalty per working day and no credit will be given after 1 week.

Please label your homework not only with your name but also with the assignment number. If you are an SCPD (SITN) student, please be sure to use the coversheet provided by SCPD or at least put your company name in the upper right corner where it is less likely to be overlooked.

Expect to find your grade on the second page of your homework. This will allow you to pick up your homework outside of room 365 (where corrected homework will be in the metal baskets) without compromising the privacy of your classmates.

Homework and final exam will be held only until the 4th week of the next quarter, so claim them quickly if you wish to keep these items.