Education and the Status of Women:

Comparative Perspectives



Class Participation (20% of course grade)

1.  Critical reading of course materials:  Students are expected to come to class having critically read each of the assigned readings and are expected to raise questions, challenge the issues and opinions raised in the readings, and otherwise be outspoken about the course materials.  Our hope is that lively discussions will take place among everyone in the course!

2.  Discussion questions:  All students will be required to turn in two weekly discussion questions regarding topics and issues raised in the readings, lectures, and in-class discussions.  Questions will be due at the beginning of each Tuesday class meeting.  They must be typewritten.  Students will be evaluated based on the quality and thoughtfulness of their questions.  At each Thursday meeting, part of the class meeting will be spent discussing the questions raised by those students who have signed up as leaders for that week..

3.  Attendance:  Students are required to attend class and to arrive on time.  If you know that you will be unable to attend class, please let the instructor know ahead of time.



Annotated Bibliographies (10% of course grade)

In order to develop research skills in the field of international comparative education and women’s education, students will be required to provide an annotated bibliography of 5-7 sources (e.g. publications, web sites) on the state of female education in Afghanistan in the present day.  More detailed instructions will be provided in class.

Due date: April 16



Reflection Papers (30% of course grade, i.e. 10% per paper)

The reflection papers should focus on the materials from the readings and/or lectures.  The first requirement is that you make clear that you have read the papers and attended class. Beyond this requirement the paper may raise questions, connect material from different sources, and use personal experiences that illustrate or run contrary to readings and lecture materials.  Three reflection papers are required.  Each paper may not exceed three double-spaced typewritten pages.  Further explanations and examples will be provided in class.

Due dates: April 23, May 9 & May 30, 2002



Paper Option (40% of course grade) vs. Final Exam (see below)

Undergraduate students who wish to write a research paper in lieu of the final exam may petition to do so; graduate students (including co-terms) are required to write the paper instead of taking the final exam.  Although the topic for the paper is of the student’s choosing, it must reflect course content and demonstrate an understanding of key concepts and the main issues addressed in the course.  Paper petitions are required for all of those writing the paper and should consist of a 1-2 page outline of the proposed research paper.  The research paper should consist of 20 double-spaced typewritten pages (12-point font) and is due on the same day as the final examination. 

Due date for paper petitions: May 21, 2002



Final Examination  (40 % of course grade) vs. Paper Option

The final exam questions will consist of four questions that will be handed out at the last class meeting.  Finals must not exceed twelve double-spaced typewritten pages (12-point font). 

Due per final exam schedule



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