CS109L: Statistical Programming with R Laboratory

Instructor: Kevin Shin, hgkshin "at" stanford "dot" edu

Spring 2015 | T/Th 2:15 PM - 3:30 PM @ Hewlett 201

Assignments 1a & 1b are now posted on the site

April 28th 2015
Feel free to get started!

Lectures only on Tuesdays starting from this week

April 14th 2015
As a reminder, we'll only be holding lectures on Tuesdays starting from this week. Good luck on assignment 0!

Welcome to CS109L!

March 30th 2015
Hey everyone and welcome to CS109L! Throughout the quarter, we'll become well-acquainted with the wonderful world of statistical computing and see some very cool practical applications of statistics along the way. Before we dive in though, I just wanted to direct everyone to the "Course Information" and "Course Calendar" tabs above for any information related to course content and schedule (feel free to email me with questions as well). Looking forward to a great quarter!