
This is the repository for the files associated with each assignment. They will be linked here once the assignment is released.

Style guide: Submit a program that conforms to the guidelines presented in our course style guide, which can be found here.

Submission instructions: Submit your assignments via Paperless here. You can submit as many times as you'd like. We will grade your latest submission.

#Due DateAssignmentMaterials
1 10/02 Game of Life [handout] [starter code] [mac demo] [pc demo]
2 10/09 ADTs [handout] [starter code] [mac demo] [pc demo]
3 10/16 Boggle [handout] [starter code] [mac demo] [pc demo]
4 10/23 Recursion and ADTs [handout] [starter code] [No demo apps]
5 11/04 PQueue [handout] [starter code] [No demo apps]
6 11/11 Huffman [handout] [starter code] [No demo apps]
7 11/19 Stanford 123 [handout] [starter code] [mac demo] [pc demo]