Introduction to Recursion

Monday, April 15

An introduction to the interesting world of recursion, where a function can call itself!

Lecture Video


1. Don't panic!

2. Overview

3. Our First Recursive Function (and Stack Overflow)

4. Recursion vs. Iteration

5. Factorial

6. Common Pitfall #1

7. Common Pitfall #2

8. Random Interlude: Unsigned Integers (Supplementary)

9. Palindromes

10. Common Pitfall #3

11. String Printing

12. Reverse String Printing

13. Wrapper Functions

14. Common Pitfall #4

15. Sneak Preview! Coin Flips

16. What's next?

17. Exam Prep

Don't panic!

Let me say that a bit more loudly for anyone who felt like today's lecture was a totally wild, mind-bending ride:


Recursion is crazy the first time you see it in code! Don't feel discouraged if today's lecture felt super weird or foreign or mystical or difficult. This is a tough topic. It will take lots of practice, but eventually, writing recursive functions will feel like second nature.


Today, we made our foray into recursion, examining some basic examples of functions that call themselves. We saw that there are two critical components to recursive functions:

  1. Base Case. Include some sort of terminating condition that returns the result for some canonical case where we know the answer immediately.
  1. Recursive Call. Decompose the current input into subproblems, one of which involves making a recursive call to the function you're writing. Make sure your input is approaching the base case (not growing infinitely in the opposite direction)!

Our First Recursive Function (and Stack Overflow)

We started with this simple recursive function that doesn't accomplish anything interesting:

void foo()

int main()
return 0;

We dissected its behavior and saw that the infinite recursion fills up our program stack with recursive calls, causing a stack overflow. In the Qt Creator, the terminal window just flashed briefly, and the fact that our program crashed might not have been immediately apparent, but the "Application Output" tab at the bottom of the window was flashing red:

Clicking that tab gave us a rather bland and not-nearly-alarming-enough message indicating that the program had crashed:

We then augmented the program to give us some indication of how many recursive calls we were able to make before crashing:

#include <iostream>
#include "console.h"
using namespace std;

foo(int n)
// We used this mod trick because printing to the screen is such a slow
// operation. When we tried printing n in every single function call, it
// was taking way too long. (On the computer in my office, it takes about
// nine minutes for the program to crash when printing every single n.
// When printing n once per 1000 calls, it takes less than one second to
// crash.

if (n % 1000 == 0)
cout << n << endl;

foo(n + 1);

int main()
return 0;


19:06:18: /home/seansz/Desktop/Recursion/Recursion crashed.

Finally, we added a base case to the function and re-wrote it in such a way that each recursive call was working toward that base case:

#include <iostream>
#include "console.h"
using namespace std;

foo(int n)
if (n == 0)
cout << "Blastoff!" << endl;

cout << n << "..." << endl;
foo(n - 1);

int main()
return 0;



Recursion vs. Iteration

Note that most of the recursive functions we saw in class today could have been implemented iteratively (i.e., using for-loops that iterate through the problems, rather than using recursion), but we played with the recursive implementations anyway because they offer a fairly gentle introduction to the idea of recursion (insofar as any introduction to recursion could be considered gentle...). We'll see more useful examples of recursion throughout the quarter.


We then explored how to write a recursive factorial function. We started by observing that for n > 0, n! has at least one other factorial embedded in it: (n - 1)!. We capitalized on that to write a mathematical version of n! recursively, then translated that into code:

From there we saw how individual stack frames piled up as we made recursive calls to our function, starting with factorial(5):

I also presented a visualization of the recursive calls that showed us diving deeper into recursive calls and then returning from them:

Our final program is as follows:

#include <iostream>
#include "console.h"
using namespace std;

factorial(int n)
if (n == 0)
return 1;

return n * factorial(n - 1);

int main()
cout << factorial(5) << endl;
return 0;



Common Pitfall #1

Over the years, I have seen a lot of people leave return statements off their functions, like so:

int factorial(int n)
if (n == 0)
return 1;

n * factorial(n - 1); // NOoOoOoOoooooooo! :(

This won't be a problem when working with the Qt Creator this quarter because our project flags stop you from compiling if an int function doesn't return a value. By default, however, a C++ compiler will let you compile such a function, and so it's important to be aware of that moving forward.

Common Pitfall #2

With the factorial example, we also discussed the importance of our code actually accounting for all possible valid inputs. Although factorials are not defined for negative integers, 0! is defined. So, the following code would be insufficient. If we called factorial(0), we would get stack overflow instead of a valid result:

int factorial(int n)
if (n == 1) // NOoOoOoOoooooooo! :( What about n == 0?
return 1;

return n * factorial(n - 1);

Random Interlude: Unsigned Integers (Supplementary)

This is supplementary information. You don't need to know this right now.

(Not mentioned in class.) Above, I'm inclined not to worry about what happens if someone calls factorial() with a negative integer, since the function needn't be defined for negative integers. However, if you wanted to restrict inputs to non-negative integers, there's a data type in C++ for that called unsigned int:

unsigned int factorial(unsigned int n)
if (n == 0)
return 1;

return n * factorial(n - 1);


The next recursive function we built detected whether or not a string was a palindrome. Recall that a palindrome is a string that is the same forward as it is backward.

We started by examining the structure of the problem and observing that by peeling away the first and last character of a string (if those characters matched), we uncovered a subproblem that could be passed to our function recursively: namely, whether the remaining portion of the string was, itself, a palindrome.

For an exploration of the recursive framing of this problem, see the following Prezi:

For a visualization of the stack frames associated with all the recursive calls that flow from a call to isPalindrome("racecar"), see the following:

Our final version of the palindrome code is as follows:

#include <iostream>
#include "console.h"
#include "SimpleTest.h"
using namespace std;

isPalindrome(string s)
// All strings of length 1 are palindromes, as is the empty string.
if (s.length() <= 1)
return true;

if (s[0] != s[s.length() - 1])
return false;

// Peel off the first and last character and pass the remaining string
// to isPalindrome() recursively. We needn't use a new string variable
// here. I did that in class only to clarify what was going on. The
// more conventional approach is to pass s.substr(...) to isPalindrome()
// directly.
  string sub = s.substr(1, s.length() - 2);
return isPalindrome(sub);

PROVIDED_TEST("various palindromes")
EXPECT_EQUAL(isPalindrome("racecar"), true);
EXPECT_EQUAL(isPalindrome("kayak"), true);
EXPECT_EQUAL(isPalindrome("civic"), true);
EXPECT_EQUAL(isPalindrome("radar"), true);
EXPECT_EQUAL(isPalindrome("rotor"), true);
EXPECT_EQUAL(isPalindrome("step on no pets"), true);
EXPECT_EQUAL(isPalindrome("b"), true);
EXPECT_EQUAL(isPalindrome(""), true);

int main()
return 0;

Common Pitfall #3

Note that the test cases above would not give any indication that the following version of isPalindrome() is broken:

bool isPalindrome(string s)
if (s.length() <= 1)
return true;

// ERROR: Not checking whether first and last characters match.
// This function returns true for all possible inputs!

  string sub = s.substr(1, s.length() - 2);
return isPalindrome(sub);

The fact that this version would pass all the test cases above highlights the importance of testing not just whether a function like this returns true when it's expected to, but also that it returns false as intended.

String Printing

We then took a moment to work on an in-class exercise. The challenge I presented was to write a recursive function that prints a string, with the restriction that any given call can only print a single character. We came up with the following:

#include <iostream>
#include "console.h"
using namespace std;

printString(string s)
if (s.length() == 0)
cout << endl;

cout << s[0];

// The string passed recursively has s[0] shaved off.
printString(s.substr(1, s.length() - 1));

int main()
// Calling twice to ensure proper placement of line break in output.

return 0;



(Important note!) If we pass only one parameter to substr(), we get a substring starting at that index and going to the end of the string. So, in the code above, we could use s.substr(1) in place of s.substr(1, str.length() - 1).

Reverse String Printing

I then pointed out that we could modify the code above to print our string in reverse. To do that, we simply swap the order of our cout and printStringReverse() lines in the original recursive function, and let the program stack take care of reversing the string for us:

#include <iostream>
#include "console.h"
using namespace std;

printStringReverse(string s)
if (s.length() == 0)
cout << endl; // This is problematic.

// Swapped order of lines below.
cout << s[0];

int main()
// Calling twice to ensure proper placement of line break in output.

return 0;



Notice that the output actually places the newline character before each reversed string, not after. We resolve that issue in the following section.

(Not mentioned in class.) An alternative approach to this problem (which I did not mention in class today) would be to print the last character of the string in each recursive call, like so:

void printStringReverse(string s)
if (s.length() == 0)
cout << endl;

cout << s[s.length() - 1];
printStringReverse(s.substr(0, s.length() - 1));

Wrapper Functions

The base case of our recursive printStringReverse() function is not the right place to print endl. We hit the base case before any other characters have printed to the screen, so if we place the endl there, we print our newline character before we print out the string in reverse.

We also don't want to tell someone who calls our function that they have to print a newline character themselves. It's a natural part of the desired behavior of a string printing function like this one, and so we should handle that ourselves.

(Key take-away!) One way to accomplish this is through the use of a wrapper function -- a function that acts as a sort of gateway to our core function, but takes care of any setup or tear-down that needs to happen before or after that core function is executed. Here's what we did in class:

#include <iostream>
#include "console.h"
using namespace std;

printStringReverseForRealsies(string s)
if (s.length() == 0)

cout << s[0];

void printStringReverse(string s)
cout << endl;

int main()
// Calling twice to ensure proper placement of line break in output.

return 0;



(Not mentioned in class.) The name printStringReverseForRealsies() is highly unconventional. It would be more common to refer to that so-called helper function as printStringReverseHelper() or something similar.

(Not mentioned in class.) In the event that the original string passed to our function is empty, we might not want to print a newline character at all. To accomplish that, we could add a conditional statement to the printStringReverse() wrapper function.

Common Pitfall #4

When creating the wrapper function above and renaming the original printString() function to printStringForRealsies(), I pointed out one of the cardinal sins of modifying a recursive function name: forgetting to update the recursive call(s) within that function to the new name. The place where this probably comes up the most is in copying and pasting recursive functions you've already written and then making minor tweaks to them to achieve new functionality.

Sneak Preview! Coin Flips

At the end of class, I talked briefly about the problem of printing out all possible outcomes from flipping a coin n times. For example, if we flip a coin twice, our outcomes are as follows (where 'H' is for flipping heads and 'T' is for flipping tails):


This is a bit obnoxious to achieve iteratively, but can be achieved elegantly with just a few lines of code if we use recursion. We will explore this in more depth when we return to recursion on Friday, but in the meantime, here's the Prezi, which includes a recursive solution to this problem:

What's next?

On Wednesday, we will discuss a fundamental technique for analyzing algorithm efficiency: Big-O runtime analysis. Friday, after you have had some time to explore the examples from today's lecture quite deeply, we will return to the topic of recursion.

Exam Prep

1. Enrich your knowledge of the material we covered today by reviewing all the sections of today's notes labeled "(Not mentioned in class.)" Be sure to review all the "Common Pitfall" sections, as well.

2. After reviewing today's examples, take at least a 30-minute break, then try to code up each of the following recursive functions from scratch, without referring to the notes:

(a) int factorial(int n)

(b) bool isPalindrome(string s)

(c) void printString(string s)

3. (High priority! Definitely do this one!) The printString() function from today's lecture is somewhat inefficient because it is repeatedly constructing new strings with the s.substr() call. Write a different version of the function that takes a reference to a string and passes that reference to all recursive calls to save time and space. Add a second parameter to the function (an integer parameter) to keep track of how far along we are in the string, like so:

#include <iostream>
#include "console.h"
using namespace std;

printStringHelper(string& s, int k)
if ( ??? )
cout << endl;

cout << s[ ??? ];
printStringHelper(s, ??? );

void printString(string& s)
printStringHelper(s, ??? );

int main()
string s = "hello";

return 0;

Highlight for solution:

#include <iostream>
#include "console.h"
using namespace std;

printStringHelper(string& s, int k)

if (k == s.length())
cout << endl;

cout << s[k];
printStringHelper(s, k + 1);

void printString(string& s)
printStringHelper(s, 0);


string s = "hello";

return 0;

4. Modify printStringReverse() and printStringReverseHelper() so that the program below prints a newline after our string has been printed in reverse, but with the following restrictions:

(a) You cannot add new lines to printStringReverse() or remove lines from that function. You can, however, modify the one line in that function.

(b) You cannot rearrange the order of the last two lines of the printStringReverseHelper() function. You must call printStringReverseHelper() recursively before executing the cout statement. See the comment in the code below for more detail.

#include <iostream>
#include "console.h"
using namespace std;

printStringReverseHelper(string s)
if (s.length() == 0)

// You can modify the following lines, but do not swap their order. So, the
// cout statement must come after the printStringReverseHelper() statement.
// You can, however, add lines before or after the following, or even change
// how the printStringReverseHelper() function is called.
cout << s[0];

void printStringReverse(string s)
// You can modify the following line, but it must call printStringReverseHelper(),
// and you cannot add any other lines of code to this function.

int main()
  string s = "hello";

 return 0;



Highlight for hint:

There's a way to do this that involves passing an extra parameter to the helper function.

Highlight for solution:

#include <iostream>
#include "console.h"
using namespace std;

printStringReverseHelper(string s, bool isOriginalCall)

if (s.length() == 0)

printStringReverseHelper(s.substr(1), false);
cout << s[0];

// This should only be true for the very first call to this function, which
// is exactly where we want to print the newline character (after returning
// from the other function calls).

if (isOriginalCall)
cout << endl;

void printStringReverse(string s)
// Pass true to this function to convey that it is the originating call for
// this string.

printStringReverseHelper(s, true);

int main()
    string s = "hello";

    return 0;



5. (High priority! Definitely do this one!) Our isPalindrome() function from class peels off the first and last character of our string before making a recursive call. In class today, someone suggested an alternative approach: we could start at the middle of our string and extract characters from there before making our recursive calls. For example, a call to isPalindrome("racecar") would make a recursive call to isPalindrome("raccar") (with the e removed from the middle of the string. Code up this version of the function, which has some fun gotchas and complexities to discover and deal with along the way.

6. Be sure to trace through the coinFlip() function given in the final Prezi above to see if you can make sense of how it's working. You might want to use your debugger to see how s is changing with each successive function call, or introduce various cout statements that print information about all the stack frames as the function makes its recursive calls.

7. Be sure to read the textbook for further explanation, examples, and practice problems related to recursion.