CS 101


Lecture by Shreya Shankar, TA

Plan for Today


Reminder from last time


What happens when we press run?

Reminder: Machine Code

Architecture refers to the instructions sent by software that hardware can understand.

  • Reminder: computer runs code instructions
  • Each line of machine code is one operation
  • Javascript is higher-level language
    • Have to translate Javascript to machine code
  • Computer runs the machine code (binary -- more on this today)
  • Machine-specific

Reminder: Assembly

mov    %esp,%ebp
sub    $0x28,%esp
mov    0x804d300,%eax
add    $0x1,%eax
mov    %eax,0x804d300
mov    0x804d300,%eax
cmp    0x8(%ebp),%eax
  • Assembly is converted to machine code
  • %esp, %ebp, etc. are in temporary storage

Programs and Applications

  • Millions of lines of machine code per program
    • Firefox.exe is about 20 million machine code instructions
  • All the machine code is in the .exe (Windows) or .app (Mac) file

Machine code

  • What is this machine code we keep speaking of?
  • Humans write programs that are human-readable. A machine needs code that is machine-readable (aka binary)
  • Our code, like Javascript, is compiled and interpreted to binary (1s and 0s) instructions that machines can understand
  • Something in the computer must take and understand these instructions...what component is it?


  • "Brain" of a computer
  • Receives input data and performs the binary instructions given to it
  • Communicates with I/O (input-output) devices, such as:
    • Keyboard
    • Mouse
  • Contains registers that house information, and performs operations (i.e. assembly instructions) on values in these registers


  • Companies thrive off selling CPUs, which consist of billions of tiny transistors on a computer chip
  • Transistors are tiny switches that are triggered by electrical signals. Like a switch, but instead of connecting or disconnecting, transistors conduct or insulate.
  • Transistors make arithmetic calculations on the chip possible
  • These days, companies are trying to make them smaller and smaller (more profit)
  • Moore's law: the number of transistors on a chip will double every two years -- has been true from 1965 to 2015
  • Popular CPU makers: Intel, AMD, Apple, NVIDIA, Qualcomm
  • Is having a fast CPU enough to have a fast computer?


  • CPUs must get their instructions and data from somewhere
  • Memory: computer hardware components that store data
  • Two types of memory:
    • RAM (random access memory)
    • Hard drive (also known as disk)
  • Any program you are currently running (in foreground or background) has memory stored in RAM. CPU gets data directly from RAM.


  • Anything you are running is stored in RAM
  • Very easily accessible (can find something in RAM quickly)
  • When computer is turned off (or power cut), everything in RAM is wiped
  • (This is why you should save documents before shutting down!)

Hard Drive

  • Slow to access memory in hard drive
  • When you save a file, it is saved to "disk" or stored in the hard drive
  • Typically lots of storage (256GB to 1TB) compared to RAM (4 GB to 16 GB)

What about "flash storage?"

  • Flash storage is high-speed memory that doesn't require power like RAM (also known as SSD, or solid state drive)
  • Fast compared to traditional hard drives, which rely on spinning disks, motors, and magnetism
  • Drawbacks of flash storage: very pricey, rewrite limitations


  • Basically, hardware is circuits
  • Circuits are composed many digital logic gates
  • Digital logic gates can take in multiple inputs and redirect to one output
  • Logic gates are made up of transistors

AND Gate

  • Takes in 2 inputs, each either 0 or 1
  • Outputs 1 only if both inputs are 1

OR Gate

  • Takes in 2 inputs, each either 0 or 1
  • Outputs 1 only if at least input is 1

XOR Gate

  • Takes in 2 inputs, each either 0 or 1
  • Outputs 1 only if both inputs are 1 OR both inputs are 0
  • Stands for "exclusive or"

NOT Gate

  • Takes in 1 input, each either 0 or 1
  • Outputs the "flipped" input
  • ~1 is 0; ~0 is 1

The Operating System: Full Picture

  • Name types of operating systems?
  • Starts running when the computer "boots up"
  • Manager/supervisor
    • Starting/stopping programs
    • Manages RAM, persistent storage, and other shared resources between programs
  • Can run multiple programs at once ("sandboxing")
  • Allows a computer to change over time (updates)
  • Other responsibilities:
    • File system
    • Manages windows
    • Some basic programs

OS: Starting a Program: Full Picture

  • Load the program file from the file system (persistent storage)
  • Each program gets its own RAM
    • Program's machine code
    • Data the program manipulates (like file being edited)
  • Copy machine code from persistent storage to RAM

OS: Running programs: Full Picture

  • CPU "fetch/execute cycle"
    • Fetch one instruction
    • Execute (run) that instruction
    • Repeat
  • Machine code is loaded into RAM
  • CPU begins at the top
    • Instructions like "return to step 5" keep the program running

OS: Program runs and exits normally: Full Picture

  • Operating system starts and stops programs
  • Each program has its own separate area in RAM: its instructions + data
  • CPU "round robin"
  • Persistent storage is organized as a file system, programs can read and write data here
  • User quits the program
  • Operating system reclaims shared resources

OS: Abnormal Exit: Full Picture

  • Program "not responding"
  • The operating system stops running that program - involuntary vs. normal-exit
  • The operating system reclaims the program's area of RAM
  • Use Activity Monitor (Mac)/Task Manager (Windows)

OS: Running Out Of Memory: Full Picture

  • A program requests more RAM from the operating system
    e.g. to hold an image, but there's not enough RAM available
  • The operating system refuses the request, the program gives an error message

OS: Memory Access Error: Full Picture

  • A program tries to access the memory of another program
    • Maybe because of a bug (common)
    • Maybe on purpose because it is malware
  • The operating system blocks the access (ideally)
  • Maybe kills the offending program too

OS: Reboot: Full Picture

  • Why does this fix anything?
  • Sometimes some operating-system managed bytes in RAM is not quite right
    • a bug in the operating system, or perhaps a hardware error
  • A reboot wipes all the data from RAM
  • Starts up the operating system fresh
  • This should never be necessary

